Pufendorf & Friends
A discussion forum and After Work series at the Pufendorf IAS at Lund University.
Pufendorf & Friends is a series of open discussions and After Works for researchers, organized in cooperation with other departments and centres at Lund University. We hope to create a space for informal meetings across all discipline- and faculty boundaries
Bring a coworker and come mingle with colleagues from other parts of the university. All are welcome! No pre-registration is required. Drinks and snacks will be served (of course!).
Autumn programme 2024
21 October: Virtual Reality in Healthcare Reality Please note: Venue: Skissernas Museum. Finngatan 2, Lund. Time: 17.00-18.00
13 November: Greyzone Genomics
Spring programme 2024
14 March: The quest for digital justice
11 April: Havet som vän och fiende - det kustnära boendets framtid (in Swedish)
Autumn programme 2023
19 oktober: Democratic alarm ambiguous sounds
16 november: Cultivating Existential Resilience through Contemplation, Aesthetics and Compassion.
7 december: We are what we eat – Perspectives from Medicine, Technology and Culture
Spring programme 2023
2 March
Energiomställningen - Watt är vi påväg? (SV)
20 April
Hur hållbart är ditt digitala arbete? (SV)
11 May
Will immortal women own the future? Reflections on the representation of women in public art (ENG)
1 June
Mining in the Ecuadorian Amazon and indigenous communities: why research collaborations matter (ENG)
Time and place
16.00 – 18.00.
At the Pufendorf IAS, Biskopsgatan 3, Lund
Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen, director
stacey [dot] ristinmaa_sorensen [at] pi [dot] lu [dot] se (stacey[dot]ristinmaa_sorensen[at]pi[dot]lu[dot]se)
Cecilia von Arnold, communication officer (on leave 2024)
cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia.von_arnold@)Cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] pi [dot] lu [dot] se (pi.lu.se)