Tidigare Advanced Study Groups
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Advanced Study Groups 2023
Det sömlösa livet
Energikris – effekter på hushåll, industrier och energiomställning
Konstnärliga och pedagogiska processer inom musik och litterär gestaltning
Markanvändningskonflikter i Sverige
Mänskliga Rättigheter, Digitala Ojämlikheter och Sociala Konsekvenser av AI
Advanced Study Groups 2022
Benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources
Deep Fakes” for Good: Optimising the Scientific use of Deep Generative Models
Advanced Study Groups 2021
Advanced Study Groups 2020
Enhancing health from a life-span perspective - the E-Hance project
Social Reproduction: Making, Sustaining and Transforming Everyday Life
Advanced Study Groups 2019
Deconstructing Measures of Immigrant Integration in Sweden (DeMIIS)
Exploring Narratives of Death (END)
Advanced Study Groups 2018
Civil Society and Sustainability Studies (CIVICSUS)
Moves towards an anticolonial academy: exploring post- and decolonial options
Rapid brain change and long-term outcome
Advanced Study Groups 2017
Commons and Commoning
Slow Light
Advanced Study Groups 2016
Innovation for Whom (Social Innovation)
Narrating Climate Futures
The Transformation of Scholarly Communication
Advanced Study Groups 2015
Governing Land-use in a Changing Climate
Language of Accounting: Financial reporting as organizational communication
Nanosäkerhet: Nya material - nya risker?
Quantifying and Communicating Uncertainty
Advanced Study Groups 2014
Intersectionality and Climate Scenarios
The Credit Society - Om det framväxande kreditsamhället, dess risker och möjligheter
Artistic Vocal and Choral Orders (AVaCO)
Advanced Study Groups 2013
MIMIC (Multiple Imaging Modalities for Improved Care) Future medical imaging at Lund University
The Future of Academic Leadership
D3 - Drug Delivery Development
Advanced Study Groups 2012
Classroom of the Future
Quantum Biology
Advanced Study Groups 2010
Meaning of Actions
Lighting for Sustainable Development
Advanced Study Groups 2009
Transformation and Adaption