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Pufendorf IAS 10 year jubilee

It has now been 10 years since the Pufendorf IAS welcomed its first Theme. Since then, hundreds of researchers have had the chance to advance new interdisciplinary areas of research at the Institute.

On the 19th - 21st of September we will look back and into the future. There will be reflections on what our 10 years have meant for some scholars and the research ideas originating here – the highlights and dilemmas. Together with invited guests, we will deepen the dialogue about leadership of interdisciplinary work and open up a discussion about how to support frontier breaking research.
The jubilee ends with an open house filled with lectures, music and creative workshops during “Kulturnatten i Lund”.


Thursday 19 September

09.30 Coffee and registration
10.00 Welcome
10.05 Life after the Pufendorf IAS Theme 
Members of former Themes discuss their original ideas and how these ideas transformed after their work at the Pufendorf IAS.

  • How Astrobiology became Plurality of Lives
    Erik Persson (philosophy) and Jessica Abbott, (biology) 
  • Bioinspired Energy – splendid ideas in search of funding
    Öivind Andersson (combustion physics) and Jan-Åke Nilsson (evolutionary ecology)
  • Healthy Indoor Environment paved the way for new research and a centre
    Eja Pedersen (environmental psychology) and Aneta Wierzbicka (aerosol technology)


12.00 Lunch

13.00 – 16.00 How do we foster genuinely risk taking research?           

Keynotes and discussion       

  • Lessons learned from the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology
    Pauline Mattsson, Assoc senior lecturer, Research Policy, LU
  • Research that breaks frontiers – can it be assessed?    
    Lars Kloo, Secretary General, Natural and Eng. Sciences, SRC (VR)
  • Trust, freedom and risk-taking foster break-through science
    Christina Moberg, Prof em KTH, former preses KVA
  • Risk as provocation: some lessons from Science and Technology Studies
    Steve Woolgar, Prof STS, LiU; Prof em in Marketing, Univ of Oxford

Coffee break
Open discussion with the panel 

Friday 20 September 

9.30 Coffee and registration
10.00 – 12.00 Sustainable leadership in interdisciplinary research: cooperation, disharmony and development 
Knowledge exchange: A dialogue seminar facilitated by leadership researchers at Lund university; Robert Holmberg, Thomas Sewerin (psychology) Eva Brodin, (educational sciences)

Saturday 21 September 

Open house at the Pufendorf IAS during "Kulturnatteni Lund" with lectures, music and creative workshops! See seperate programme for Kulturnatten