Designing for sonic citizenship through art- and design-based research experiments

Welcome to an open lecture with Marie Koldkjær Højlund, international fellow at Pufendorf IAS; member of the Pufendorf IAS Theme Sound of Democracy.
Marie Koldkjær Højlund is Associate Professor of Sound Studies at Audio Design, Aarhus University, Denmark. PhD in Audio Design with a dissertation about sound and noise in Danish Hospitals entitled “Overhearing - An Attuning Approach to Noise in Danish Hospitals” (2017). Marie is an active sound artist and composer and a part of the band Kh Marie & Nephew. During her work she has been engaged in designing sound environments and installations for various public spaces and hospitals, including the Aarhus 2017 European Capital of Culture project The Overheard.
About the open lecture
Based on examples from Marie Koldkjær Højlund's previous research in public space, hospitals and within the art world, this lecture will discuss what different types of knowledge, methods, output and impact art- and design-based research can (and cannot) contribute to in an effort to address complex societal issues.
Working with sound design, music composition and sound art in various public spaces and across art forms call for an ecological and enactive methodology entailing investigations of actors and their interrelations with their respective environments as attuning and explorative sonic citizens.
All are welcome! Coffee and cake will be served. Please register for this lecture no later than 2 April
Om evenemanget
Pufendorfinstitutet, Biskopsgatan 3, Lund (Auditorium)
Gratis inträde
Open for all
Eva [dot] Persson [at] pi [dot] lu [dot] se